a report studying the feasibility of building the hefei feeder line of an expressway linking chuzhou and hefei, both in east china’s anhui province, has been approved by the province’s top economic regulator, a step towards the start of the project within this year. the 13.96-kilometer-long feeder expressway will run from xiaguang village in feidong county to yuantong township, where it will join the under-construction chuzhou-hefei expressway, the report said. the project is estimated to cost 2.52 billion yuan ($395.6 million) and take three years to complete, according to the report. the two-way, six-lane expressway will allow vehicles to run at a maximum speed of 120 kilometers per hour. the project will play an important role in improving the integrated transport hub in hefei and promoting the high-quality development of hefei metropolitan area, according to the development and reform commission of anhui province.