on friday, the renowned trio wanderer from france mesmerized the audience at the beijing concert hall with a captivating concert featuring the chamber music works of austrian composer franz schubert. comprising three musicians — pianist vincent coq, violinist jean-marc phillips-varjabedian, and cellist raphael pidoux — the trio delivered a stellar performance, showcasing schubert's masterpieces including piano trio no. 1 in b-flat major, op. 99, adagio in e-flat major, op. posth. 148, d. 897, and piano trio in e-flat, op. 100. as a delightful conclusion, trio wanderer treated the audience to enchanting encores, featuring compositions by czech composer antonin dvorak and austrian composer joseph haydn. this musical extravaganza was also a part of the 18th edition of the croisements festival, commemorating the 60th anniversary of china-france diplomatic relations and the china-france year of culture and tourism.